Urine and Saliva Drug Screening
Precious People Occupational Health Services has been in business for over 25 years. We specialise in onsite drugs testing and assisting companies with introducing drug and alcohol polices.
Employees affected by drugs and or alcohol can expose themselves and colleagues to accidents and danger. We carry out onsite (instant result) tests which are validated and reliable and meet the AS/NZS 4308:2008 and AS/NZS 4760:2019 Standards for urine and saliva testing.
Pre-employment, post incident or accident and random tests are all available 24/7. These tests will allow an employer to take immediate action if necessary. We specialise in implementing and managing drug and alcohol polices. We have an assessment and rehabilitation pathway in place in the event that a confirmed failed result is found. This allows the employee to have access to professional help and ensures that the employer manages this situation in the safest possible way both for the workplace and from an employment perspective. The days of sacking people on the spot have gone. With the right professional input not only can someone who fails a workplace drugs test be retained but they often become your most loyal and hardworking employee. Part of the rehabilitation process involves the employee agreeing to undertake several random drugs test over a set period.
If you are considering introducing drugs testing into your business and would like to deal with a locally owned business and a health professional who has over 25 years of experience in this field then give Peter a call on 0800 SAVE A LIFE (0800 728 3254) for a no obligation talk.