Ear Wax Removal/micro suctioning services Nelson, Richmond, Motueka,Takaka and Blenheim
Ear Wax Removal/micro suctioning services Nelson, Richmond, Motueka, Takaka and Blenheim:
To Make Your Booking:
Phone Lisa on 027 255 0570 or email ClearMyEars@PreciousPeople.co.nz
Lisa’s Story:
Clear My Ears is owned and managed locally by Lisa Simons, Lisa is an Audiometrist and Ear Technician who completed a Diploma in Audiometry in 2019. Lisa has extensive experience in this space working for both a hearing aid manufacturer and Audiology Clinics in Auckland and Nelson. Lisa has recently set up her own ear wax removal business called Clear My Ears. Precious People OHS are proud to support and promote Lisa in this much needed space.
What is Micro Suctioning?
Micro-suction is an examination and treatment of the ear canal using a Vorotek-O-Scope portable medical scope. Clear My Ears use a miniature suction pump machine, which suctions the ear canal to extract wax and debris. Micro-suction is considered much safer than syringing. The micro-suction technique uses gentle suction to clean the ear, this can be more comfortable than other forms of ear cleaning such as syringing. A small speculum or funnel is placed within the entrance to the ear canal, then a small suction tube is used within the ear canal and directed at the wax, debris, or infection discharge. Gentle suction is applied to remove any blockage. With micro-suction, there is not always the need for pre-softening ear wax with olive oil or ear drops – however, you may be advised to apply olive oil drops prior to your appointment, as this will likely reduce discomfort during the procedure or lessen the chance of having to return for follow-up visits. Once wax is removed, a full examination will be undertaken with continued advice given, along with a referral to an Ear Nurse Specialist or General Practitioner if required.
Our promise to you:
Clear My Ears and Precious People Occupational Health Services are dedicated to providing a professional and comfortable experience. We look forward to hearing from you.